In the context of the three-day innovation of the Region of Crete “InnoDays 2023 – Crete of Knowledge and Production”, 24-26 November 2023, an “Artemis Saitakis” Innovation Marathon (Hackathon) is being organized, at the International Exhibition Center of Crete (Gournes, Gouves, Heraklion). The aim of the organization is to promote, network, and reward ideas, proposals and applications that contribute to innovative problem-solving through the mobilization of the creative human capital of our island.
The Innovation Marathon is an action of the Observatory of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Region of Crete ( IBO ) with the implementing body the Hellenic Mediterranean University and the Scientific Officer, Associate Professor Markos Kourgiantakis, in the framework of the Project ” Academic Innovation Actions, in the context of the operation of the Observatory of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Region of Crete”, implemented with the cooperation of the Region, the Technical University of Crete, the University of Crete, the Hellenic Mediterranean University and the Technology and Research Foundation, with funding from the Region of Crete.
In the Innovation Marathon, teams (project teams) will compete which will develop an idea related to the Health and Wellness Sector, which is one of the priorities of the Region of Crete, as reflected in the Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3Crete) for the Program Period 2021-2027 ( ).
More specifically, the topic that the groups are asked to develop is:
Innovative ideas for the development of sustainable services/products in the field of Health and Wellness
The teams that will participate in the Innovation Marathon can consist of two (2) to five (5) people. Only natural persons aged 18 and over have the right to participate in the groups, while the groups may consist of researchers or students (undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral) of one or more academic/research institutions, business executives or any interested party. A person cannot participate in more than one (1) group.
The ideas of the groups will be presented live to an InnoDays Jury, which will grade them according to specific criteria.
Three (3) cash prizes/prizes will be given to the first three teams in the overall standings .
- First Place: €2,500
- Second Place: €1,000
- Third Place: €500
The teams will have a physical presence at the venue of the Innovation Marathon and will be assisted by experts (mentors) in formulating and presenting their idea.
For more information, those interested can visit the website of the Idea Nursery and register until Friday, November 17, 2023.