Coming up in Heraklion June 24th and 25th, the ADAPTtoCLIMATE Conference will focus on the adaptation of the agricultural sector to climate change. The Conference will also address a wider array of topics including climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation.
The ADAPTtoCLIMATE keynote address will be given by the Head of Climate Action Unit – Senior Environment Officer, Department of Environment, Cyprus Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Theodoulos Mesimeris.
According to the draft agenda, other keynote speakers will include: Juerg Luterbacher, University of Giessen; Carlo Buontempo, ECMWF Copernicus Department, C3S Section; Marco Bindi, University of Florence; Ana Iglesias, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; and C. Giannakopoulos and the ADAPT2CLIMA team.
ADAPTtoCLIMATE accommodation recommendations in Heraklion can be found in this section of the official website. The venue for the conference has yet to be announced.