Leading tourism marketing company, Tourism Intelligence Group (TIG) has launched a new indexing standard for the hospitality and tourism industry called: “The Consumer Demand Index” (CDI). According to the news CDI measures Internet search volume and tracks travel related searches for more than 2000 keywords.
According to CDI the technology enables hospitality or tourism clients to compare their own search growth with that of the industry mean. Marketers and revenue execs can also use the data gleaned to hone their own competitive keywords and phrases, or so CDI claims. Additionally, the CDI technology can be employed to time and plan marketing campaigns to optimize for keyword demand and density, in effect, becoming a predictive tool in the hands of smart professionals. (see graph below from the consumer demand index)
Based in Colorodo, CDI further contends that by collecting comprehensive tourism-industry data, measuring consumer marketing performance, and applying insightful analysis, Tourism Intelligence Group’s “engine” drives effective, targeted results for clients such as Colorado Tourism Office, Travel Oregon, and Explore Georgia. R.A. Burrell (above left), CEO of Tourism Intelligence Group, offered this comment:
“We were very excited to launch our new Consumer Demand Index at the Travel & Tourism Research Assoc (GW) conference. The response was beyond our expectations.”
For more information about this new technology, readers may contact:
R.A. Burrell
The Tourism Intelligence Group
+1 719-623-7623