Seeing the world is undeniably one of the greatest pleasures life brings. It’s an eye-opening, life affirming experience that may well leave you with you your greatest memories ever. Yet a niggling feeling often comes with the territory – you know deep down that despite your best hippie-throwback like intentions, travelling just isn’t that eco-friendly.
The reality is, we all know we should be taking steps to reduce our carbon footprint – and many of us are. Yet despite this, the world at large is using more energy than ever. From super-sized televisions through to microwaves, computers and mobile phones – in the 21st Century we’ve got a gadget to govern our every need. And our environment is paying for it.
So, if you’re planning on travelling in 2012 while reducing the size of your carbon footprint, take a look at our top eco-friendly gadgets to accompany you on your travels.
Water-Powered Alarm Clock
Ideal if you’ve got an untimely bus or flight to catch; the water-powered alarm clock is light, portable and costs nothing to run.
Get it straight from its manufacturer, Bedol, for only $26 (Think it’s pricey? Imagine the money you’ll save on batteries!).
Biodegradable Laptops
Biodegradable laptops have been around for a few years now, with Fujitsu, ASUS and ACER all jumping on the eco-friendly electronics train.
Undeniably a feat of engineering, these futuristic pieces of machinery are free from harmful chemicals, made from recyclable and biodegradable materials while boasting a five star energy rating.
Of course, you probably don’t need to take a laptop on your travels but if you insist, you can’t go far wrong with a super energy saving, biodegradable piece of kit.
USB Rechargeable Battery
Looking uncannily like a cigarette lighter, just far cleverer, the USB rechargeable battery works precisely like a normal, chemical seeping power device, only when it runs out you don’t chuck it away – you just plug it into a USB port and wait for it to refill.
Costing barely more than a multipack of batteries, with a lifecycle of around 500 charges and no hefty charging device to carry around, USB batteries have got to be the ultimate eco-friendly traveller’s companion. Oh, and you can buy them in loads of ultra-cool designs too.
Yes, we know, there’s lots of cheaper, suspiciously similar phones around now, but when it comes to looks, functionality and usability, it just has to be the iPhone.
With this multifunctional piece of kit you can save energy by saying goodbye to your MP3 player, your compass (or sat nav; which ever you prefer), your camera and even your biodegradable laptop.
Able to help you find your way, keep you amused on plane/bus/train/camel journeys and in touch with loved ones from the furthest corners of the globe, the iPhone is one piece of kit you cannot afford to leave home without.
Solar-Powered Media Player
If combining all your gadgets into one Apple shaped device isn’t eco friendly enough for you, why not try the ‘Solar-Powered Media Player’.
This genius instrument utilises the sun’s rays to allow you to listen to music, play games and even read e-books.
What’s more, it acts as a charger for all the devices it hasn’t put out of business such as mobile phones, digital cameras and portable DVD players.
If a fully-fledged ‘media-player’ just doesn’t satisfy your inner-hippy, you might find a portable library more to your tastes.
With a seemingly endless battery life and access to thousands upon thousands of titles, the Kindle is ideal for long journeys and perfect for travellers not keen on the idea of lugging around weighty blocks of paper.
Studies have also proven that you only have to read a few books for the kindle to become more environmentally friendly than good old paperbacks.
What Else?
Stacking your backpack with eco-friendly gadgets is all well and good but if you really want to be the ultimate eco-friendly traveller you’ll have to go a step or two further.
- Avoid travelling by plane wherever possible. It’s quick, yes, but the scenic route is cheaper and better for the environment while allowing you to see far more of the big, bad world.
- Buy locally produced produce. This reduces the carbon emissions required to import goods and is also better for the local economy.
- Look for local ‘green’ accommodation.
- Do as you would at home – don’t use electricity unnecessarily.
Looking for even more fun? Check out these Grand Canyon Hotels for unforgettable traveling experience.