With the summer season in full swing now news from Bulgaria’s tourism industry tells of Black Sea resorts there in dire need of skilled workers to meet demand. According to the director of labor there, Dobrich Vasil Sivkov, there’s hundreds of vacancies in the industry.
Black sea resort Albena is but one where hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses list some 350 plus vacancies not filled. In Balchik (botanical gardens above) this novinite.com report reports 10o or more vacancies. Waiters, cooks, maids, bartenders, kitchen workers, and other industry regimes are listed as critically needed.
With other Black Sea resorts to the North in Ukraine a bit uncertain after violence between pro-Kyiv and pro-Russian groups in Odessa, travelers in the region have probably shifted south to Constanta and the beaches of Bulgaria. Odessa, one of Ukraine’s biggest touristic destinations, saw huge visitors numbers from Russia before the unrest in Ukraine. It seems certain this Summer will see those numbers fall.