Mobile app developers, Sound Pipe Media are set to completing an app for their client called Travel Buddies.. With amazing functionality these app developers from UK have really hit a great app for anyone willing to travel and need a buddy. You can easily register via Facebook, Twitter, and then search who is traveling within the network to the same destination as you.
Kicking the Tires of Guidekick
Guidekick, a fascinating new mobile app that uses rich media to get a passing tourist’s attention when passing an historic attraction, is a window inside what future travel tech will look. Available in iOS, Android, and even Google Glass editions, the app adds historical and contextual value to the places people visit. Launches Two New Windows 8 Apps has just launched two new apps for Windows 8, one designed to up the ante on mobíle utility, the other specifically for the Windows 8 tablet.
Six Apps for Entertaining the Kids while Traveling
Before setting out on a trip, load up your tablets and smartphones with kid friendly apps and movies to provide plenty of entertainment during the trip.
Top-5 Must-Have Apps for Frequent Fliers
Just like every other genre of mobile application, there are more travel apps on the market than a person can shake a smartphone at.