The Azerbaijan Tourism Association (AzTa) and the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TURSAB) will sign a memorandum on mutual cooperation according to news from AsTa.
The delegation frmo TURSAB is scheduled to arrive in Azerbaijan May 12, with Chairman Basharan Ulusoy at its head. AzTA head Nahid Bagirov, had this to add about the meeting:
“As you know, Turkey is a priority for Azerbaijani tourists. The Tourism Association is now taking measures to ensure the bilateral flow of tourists from Azerbaijan to Turkey and back. In this connection, the TURSAB delegation will arrive in Baku. The delegation will include reps of 20 leading travel companies of Turkey engaged in outbound tourism, with a view to ensuring on their part the influx of tourists to Azerbaijan.”
Earlier this month the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Azerbaijan Tourism Association (AzTa) signed the agreement on accession of Azerbaijan to the Global Touristic Code of Ethics.