The 1st Workshop of the TRANSCEND European Project, “Transformational and Robust AdaptatioN to water Scarcity and Climate change under Deep uncertainty,” was successfully completed in Zaros. The project is a function of the financial framework HORIZON EUROPE, in which the Region of Crete participates as a partner.
This new program seeks to define and promote the adoption of Reformed Adaptation Policies (RAPs) aimed at water scarcity – including innovative allocation systems and financial instruments – that are resilient and adaptable to uncertainty and change while achieving equitable and sustainable economic growth and prosperity.
The 1st Working Meeting was attended by the main stakeholders involved in water management in the Tymbakion hydrological basin, and an attempt was made to record the particularities and problems related to water management in the specific area, focusing on the Greek reality. The attendees were welcomed by Mr. Nikos Xylouris, Deputy Regional Governor in the Environment Sector, representing also the Regional Governor of Crete, Mr. Stavros Arnautakis, Mrs. Houdetsanaki-Giakoumaki Deputy Regional Governor in the Primary Sector, and Mr. Giorgos Alexakis Appointed Advisor for European & International Affairs.
There was also a presentation of the program by the Project Coordinator, Dr. Marino Kritsotakis. Then, the present representatives of the interested bodies, including the Directorate of Environment & Spatial Planning and the General Directorate of the Primary Sector of the Region of Crete, the Directorate of Water and the Directorate of Environment & Spatial Planning of the Decentralized Administration of Crete, EAGME, OFYPEKA, TOEB Zones A, B and C of Messara, TOEB Zarou and TOEB Gergeris, the Network of Messara Associations, as well as representatives of key users, such as farmers and DEWAs, were divided into Discussion Groups. A dialogue followed, and a relevant questionnaire was answered
The TRANSCEND European Project has a duration of 4 years, started in January 2023 and includes corresponding work meetings on an annual basis. It aims to develop a pioneering innovation “ecosystem” that combines three key pillars : (i) a knowledge network for stakeholder engagement and knowledge sharing, (ii) a series of actionable models incorporating interdisciplinary social-ecological science and ensemble forecasting to guide the design of IMPs, and (iii) an accounting and monitoring toolkit to support the implementation and enforcement of IMPs in practice.
TRANSCEND will implement the innovation ecosystem for the design and implementation of IMPs in 7 live labs: in Spain, Rhine-Italy, Tympaki-Greece, Nitra-Slovakia, Caplina-Mauri-Desaguadero-Peru, Chile & Bolivia, Orontes-Lebanon, Syria & Turkey and Mahanadi-Indian states of Chhattisgarh & Odisha.