In news from My Planet Travel Awards, people in the Russian Federation have just a couple of day remaining before voting starts on what amounts to that nation’s most massive awareness campaign that will certainly jump start Russia’s hospitality initiatives. Over 100 International and Russian companies are participating in this year’s awards, according to the news. Outbound Russian travelers have their say on hotels around the world.

It's never to cold to fish on Lake Baikal - Another nominated destination
The My Planet Travel Awards are what amounts to a partnership between major Russian TV media, and the Russian people in recognizing and rewarding the Federation’s best hotels, resorts, and other hospitality related services. Beginning Monday, and voting will continue until September 10th on their website. The winners will be announced at the Gala Ceremony Awards Ceremony at the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow, and event which we be carried by Moya Planeta TV, Russia’s leading travel and leisure TV network. Here is the list of nominees.

A cool restaurant in one of Russia's nominated destinations - Barnaul in the Altai Region
In partnership with Otdykh LEISURE, Russia’s most important autumn tourism event, the My Planet Travel Awards offer a cross section of the overall growth and progress of the Russian hospitality arena, both internally and externally. Russia’s nationwide awareness campaign is of vital importance to the Federation and the region, as upcoming events in Russia, like Sochi 2014 and others, prompt the world to enjoy Russian hospitality. At stake, is the face of a great nation.

Sochi, site of the 2014 Winter Olympics - another nominated destination this year
For more information about the awards, and other awareness events, consult the official website, or read the original press release. Alternatively, readers can call directly to book tickets or explore sponsorship opportunities to: +44 (0)20 7183 2560. You can also email:

Uzbekistan - still another nominated destination for the voting
Lake Baikal image courtesy the extraordinary photography of Fedor Stroganov via Flickr. Other images courtesy Wikipedia.