RateTiger Enhancement Will Gauge Review Sentiments at a Glance

Hoteliers will soon have a new tool at their disposal which will help them to quickly and effectively gauge the sentiments from its user reviews on sites on the web.

RateTiger is a market leader in hotel channel and revenue management

eReyMax is planning to add new semantic search enhancements to its RateTiger review technology that will allow hotel managers to quickly scan through the reviews about their accommodations and see whether or not these are positive. The new system will work by scanning the reviews for key words and phrases, before giving them a simple “thumbs up” if a review is positive, or a “thumbs down” if a review is negative.

The idea behind the new technology is that busy hoteliers who are often too busy to sit down and read through reviews will be able to quickly check and see the overall sentiments of its guests. They will be able to see both individual review ratings and the overall review ratings for their hotel.

But that’s not all the system will do, as it will also provide feedback on certain areas where guests have had good things to say about the hotel, and also areas where feedback has been negative. The technology allows for the categorization of comments by department, such as dining, housekeeping and so on, so that the relevant hotel managers will then be able to take action to address the concerns of their guests.

This will help a number of hotels, which while they may get overall good feedback, might have specific areas that still need addressing.

eReyMax, which recently announced a new strategic partnership with Global Hotel Exchange (GHX), have said that the new developments to its software will be made available in early 2012, as part of the company’s drive to establish its service as a vital tool for channel and revenue management for the global hospitality industry.

Categories: Travel Technology
Aleksandr Shatskih:
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