Four Balkans Countries Will Bid for 2030 World Cup

Courtesy - Celso FLORES

The prime ministers of Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania and the president of Serbia have said their countries will make an official bid to host the 2030 World Cup soccer event in stadiums across their nations.

Their announcement comes even though the 2030 contest is not officially open. News that South American soccer leaders are already promoting a three-way centenary bid by Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, which was the original World Cup host in 1930, seems to have spurred the decision by the four Balkans nations.

Since the US, Mexico, and Canada won the joint bid for World Cup 2026, the Balkans leaders think the chances of their countries winning the bid have been increased. 

In addition, English soccer officials have launched a feasibility study into bidding in partnership with Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Ireland. So, the trend seems set for regional interests to try and vie for the sports extravaganza that most recently brought the world to Russia. 

The four Balkans countries are also considering making a joint bid for the European football championships two years later, according to the reports. 

On Friday, prime ministers of Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Israel and president of Serbia discussed prospects for economic cooperation in Bulgaria’s Varna. On top of the agenda were issues of development and interdependence between the countries in energy, infrastructure and digital spheres.

Categories: Eastern Europe
Aleksandr Shatskih:
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