Archaeological Macedonia 2012 Opens

Opened yesterday in Skopje, the sixth annual exhibition “Archaeological Macedonia 2012” shows off some 3200 ancient artifacts unearthed this year at various Macedonian archaeological sites.

Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska and acting French Ambassador to Macedonia Jean-Luc Faurė-Tournaire

This year alone some 50.000 artifacts have been discovered at the ancient towns of Stobi, Heraclea, Bargala and at the necropolis of Isar Marvinci. The exhibit, opened yesterday by Minister of Culture Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska (above), further defines and creates “undeniable proof for the heritage created for millennia, ” according to the minister. She went on to tell the Macedonian Information Agency:

“In the process of excavating the four archaeological sites, numerous items were unearthed dating from 8th century BC till the end of the early Christian period (5th-6th century). For this exhibit, experts carefully selected invaluable artifacts that confirm the vital role of Macedonia during Europe’s historical coming-of-age.”

Artifacts at isar-marvinci

Over the last six years nearly half a million items have been cataloged after having been excavated from the 23 main archaeological sites in Macedonia. A museum to house these priceless bits of ancient history is currently under construction there in Skopje.

For readers interested in finding out more about these artifacts, the sites there in Macedonia, the following links will be of interest. Here is the link to the archaeological finds (see image below) at Macedonia’s most famous site, Stobi. The Balkan Heritage Field School site reveals a lot about Philip of Macedonia’s city Heraclea. Bargala’s archaeological efforts also have an official website here, and isar-marvinci actually has a Facebook profile here (featured image & above).

Conservation at Stobi - "House with triclinium"

Categories: Macedonia
Phil Butler: Phil is a prolific technology, travel, and news journalist and editor. A former public relations executive, he is an analyst and contributor to key hospitality and travel media, as well as a geopolitical expert for more than a dozen international media outlets.

View Comments (4)

  • It proves,Macedonia has lineage to ancient Macedonia.Greece nor Bulgaria can claim ownership to Macedonia,Macedonians.

  • All the early Macedonian artefacts are obviously Illyrian, Paeonian, Hellenic and Roman. But we see no Slavic artefacts as they arrived ca.700-900AD. So what the minister forgets is that her heritage is not represented here as is all the ancestors of the Albanian, Greek, and Vlah people of regional Macedonia.

    • @Sam,
      Yes, I believe if we all look back far enough we will certainly find ourselves looking in the mirror, or at one another. Any real study of antiquity leads to little bands of people, even individuals, walking about with their wooden or stone tools, in search of....

      But we cannot forego the wonderful achievements of all who came before us. Why we need to take possession of everything always puzzles me.



  • I agree Phil, the cultural advances of past civilisations are the achievements of many disparate groups.

    I guess thats why I find it hard to understand how this has anything to do with the modern Slavs of FYROM and as the minister naively implies.