10 Unusual Ways to Make Money Backpacking

Backpacking is always that much more enjoyable if you can earn some extra money while you travel from place to place. There are numerous ways to earn a bit more now and again, especially if you are in a fruit growing region during harvest but with the advent of the internet and with a little bit of computer savvy you can find ways to turn your experiences into instant cash.

Travel Writing

There are some sites on the internet that will pay good money if you can write about your travels and send in a good photograph. It’s not big money but most of them seem to average around $30 or $50 per article, so if you have a feeling for what others would like to know about certain places you visit, an hour or so on your notebook, or at an internet cafe, could be time well spent. One of these sites to get you started is Boots n All http://www.bootsnall.com.au/. Matador http://matadortravel.com/signup is another but it is so popular that you may sometimes have trouble logging on.

Review Hostels and Guest Houses

If you are backpacking around the country it will be a pretty safe bet that many of your nights will be spent in hostels or guest houses. If so why not turn these stopovers into money? Before You Backpack http://beforeyoubackpack.com/ is a site that pays something around $5 for a review. This site is only interested if you actually stayed at the establishment but it can be money easily earned.


While still on internet based earnings you can also give a thought to blogging. Blogging is for the more serious writer but if you master it you will find you can earn quite a bit on the side as you travel. Nomadic Matt has put an ebook together to give you all the necessary information and you can learn more about his ideas when you visit his site http://www.nomadicmatt.com/.

Teaching English

If your backpacking travel takes you to various isolated places or even to a non-English speaking country that has people wanting to learn how to speak English more fluently you could look for a temporary job teaching, or tutoring English. It is also a good way to make lasting friendships.

Lending Your Body to Science

When you get to a larger city, especially one that also has a teaching hospital or one where medical research is studied you can always volunteer your body to take part in a clinical trial.  It’s not necessarily as frightening as it sounds as research is carried out with strict controls attached and it covers a very wide range of studies. For instance one could have something to do with sleep deprivation, another might be about the effect of caffeine and exercise on a body. If you can land one of these gigs you can get paid up to $300 a day.

Reviewing Software Games

Many people, including backpackers, spend much of their time playing games on their mobile phones or notebooks. If this is something you are really into you might put your interest to good use by reviewing any new games that might be going around. There is a site http://softwarejudge.com/ that actually pays you up to $50 to tell it like it is. If you are really, really good at writing short, sharp, crisp reviews on the new games you could even score a free game for yourself.


When you travel as a backpacker you will find that you will tend to be drawn to other backpackers, you might be sharing a beach hut for a while, you could be spending a few days or so in a hostel. Wherever you may be if you have any hairdressing skills at all, you don’t need to be professionally trained, but if you know what you are doing there is always someone who wants a bit of a trim. It is a good way to earn that little extra. Word soon gets around and you will find you will be welcome everywhere.

Motor Mechanics

People who have finished their apprenticeships and have decided to travel before settling down in a specific area will never be short of money. For instance if you are a motor mechanic you will always find a garage somewhere that is loaded with work and short of skilled staff. Many backpackers have actually found a place they like and have settled in such a place because of the ability to earn good money following their trade.

Life Saving

In the summer time local council swimming pools are often short of attendants. These types of jobs usually last for four or five months, as long as you have sufficient swimming and lifesaving qualifications. If you are qualified in this area you can contact councils ahead of your actual trip into that area and have the job lined up for when you get there.


By using your current skills you can always be useful while honing those skills at the same time. If you are a keen photographer, photographs of some of the places you visit could well be worth a display now and again. This is especially true with digital cameras that are able to store countless photographs and even more on an accompanying memory stick.

Making money while you travel is a backpacker’s dream and all it needs is a little imagination and innovation. You will meet some very interesting people see some very exotic sights. Don’t keep them to yourself, there can be money in sharing.

Our guest author, Kristy, is an intrepid traveler and freelance personal finance blogger for Travel Insurance Finder. Before you take off on a long trip, check and compare the best travel insurance companies around and make sure you are fully covered for any unexpected situations that may arise.

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  • Great ideas for different ways to make money while you travel. Australia and New Zealand are also great places to get working holiday visas and find jobs. We've got loads of info about how you can find work, get all the documents you need to work and the types of jobs you can do: http://www.gapdaemon.com/work-study-volunteer/work

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