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Tsoutsouras: A Cretan Experience No Legend Can Capture

In Tsoutsouras, in southern Crete, theres more legend, experiences, and myth than any tourist can take in.

Epigraphy Specialist Furthers Minoan Linear A Decipherment

A Cambridge specialist in Mycenaean epigraphy has brought us one step closer to deciphering the language of the mysterious Minoans.

Toplou Monastery Pilgrimage Cancelled Over COVID Concerns

The Holy Monastery of Toplou, outside Sitia, has announced that pilgrims will not be allowed for the feast of Saint…

Another Thing: A Local Masterpiece – A Nike by Skopas at Tegea

It's time for a new apprciation of art and culture and the Nike by Skopas at Tegea, via Peter Sommer…

Greece Hotels Partner with RES Center for Greener Future

The Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (HCH) and the Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) signed a memorandum of…