Bulgaria Tourism Up First Half of 2014

News from Bulgaria’s Economic Ministry says International tourism revenues are on the up in the first half of 2014. The tally shows a 5.3% increase year on year over 2o13. The World Tourism Organization shows the tourism sector of Bulgaria reached 1.3 billion BGN (€670 million Euro) or about 13.6% of the country’s GDP. 

The report also revealed over two and a half million tourists from outside the country visited from January through June, or an increase of 5.7% over last year at the same time. According to the Economy Ministry report, the tourist industry is the fastest developing in Bulgaria, one that outdistances the rest of Europe on average. 

The Ministry’s recent strategy launch for more sustainable tourism market reaching to 2030, aims to improve Bulgaria’s competitiveness. For more information on this latest news readers should visit website of the Ministry of Economy and Energy of Bulgaria. Alternately, readers may contact the Ministry at:

8 Slavyanska Str., BG-1000 Sofia
Tel: +359 2 94071
fax: +359 2 987 2190; 981 9970; 981 5039

Categories: Bulgaria
Aleksandr Shatskih:
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